Viimeksi käydessäni tilalla sain kotiin mukaan muutamia granaattiomenoita. Ne olivat taivaallisen makeita, vaikka nyt olemmekin jo satokauden loppupuolella! En ole juurikaan aiemmin syönyt niitä, tai en ainakaan ihan kuoresta lusikalla kaapinut, joten lopputulos oli aika sottainen. Tämä lehtijutu lupailee niiden terveysvaikutuksen olevan super-elixiiri luokkaa!
Pomegranate is a rather unknown fruit for a Finn! Back at home when growing up in the 80s, I remember seeing one or two of them. So during my last visit at the Finca los Majuelos I was glad to spot of few pomegranate trees. They are often grown around here in Mediterranean, even if it's an original native of Persia.Now in November it's already the end of their harvesting season, but a few pomegranates were still hanging on. I picked some, it's lovely to get your fruits directly from the tree. They were very sweet, and messy, to eat! Apparently, there are lots of heath reasons to eat them, Wikipedia for example tells you this: "may be effective in reducing heart disease risk factors, including LDL oxidation"!
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