
Aasi nimeltään Tuula - A donkey named Tuula

Tuula is a 9 year old donkey from Morocco who lives at the Finca los Majuelos already for quite a few years. One day, the future owner of Tuula had seen a sign in the local supermarket advertising donkeys for sale. The scene at the seller's place was piteous - too little room to move for too many donkeys, and little necessities available. 

In this picture Tuula is "spot on", she's checking the farmer's work on her future pasture. The land in Sierra Norte has a pretty red hue to it, it's rich in iron. Back in the day, even during the  Roman times, there were many mines in the area, but they no longer operate. 

Some of the mining sites have been turned into a national monument and Via verde de la Sierra norte, for example, is a nice and easy 18k long biking trail that is build upon an old mining train track. Maps for some good hikes can be found from this link.
Tuula is a 9 year old donkey from Morocco who lives at the Finca los Majuelos already for quite a few years. One day, the future owner of Tuula saw a sign in the local supermarket advertising donkeys for sale. The scene at the seller's place was piteous - too little room to move for too many donkeys, and little necessities available. 

In this picture Tuula is "spot on", she's checking the farmer's work on her future pasture. The land in Sierra Norte has a pretty red hue to it, it's rich in iron. Back in the day, even during the  Roman times, there were many mines in the area, but they no longer operate. 

Some of the mining sites have been turned into a national monument and Via verde de la Sierra norte, for example, is a nice and easy 18k long biking trail that is build upon an old mining train track. Maps for some good hikes can be found from this link.
Tuula on 9-vuotias marokkolainen aasi, joka on asunut Finca los Majuelosissa jo vuosia. Eräänä päivänä Tuulan tuleva omistaja oli nähnyt epämääräisen ilmoituksen myytävistä aaseista paikallisen supermarketin seinällä. Käynti myytipaikalla oli ollut surkea kokemus -aasit olivat kehnoissa oloissa pienessä tilassa odottamassa ostajiaan.
Oheisessa kuvassa Tuula on laaduntarkkailutehtävissä, onhan kyseessä hänen tulevan laidunmaan kyntäminen.

Sierra Norten alueella on aikanaan ollut paljon kaivostoimintaa, mistä tuo mullan kaunis raudansävy. Näin syystöiden aikaan - siis marraskuussa - autoillessa pohjois-Andalusiassa voi ihailla käännettyä maata, joka on kauniin punertavaa. Se tuo piristävän kontrastin vihreään heinään, joka sateiden ansiosta on saanut taas pienen kasvukauden.

Alueella on myös hyvin järjestettyjä hiking-polkuja, esim. tästä linkistä löytyy hyviä karttoja. Via verde de la Sierra norte on pyöräily reitti, joka on rakennettu entisen kaivosjunaradan päälle. Sendero las Laderas on oma suosikkini!

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