
Signs of spring - Kevättä kohden

Out of the last 11 years at the Finca los Majuelos, this winter has been by far the toughest! Almost every night the thermometer hits below zero and by the morning the grounds are frosty. Even the nearby village Cazalla de la Sierra, which is at about 700m above the sea level, has had snow!

Finally, though, the signs of spring are starting to appear. Small butts are now visible in nispero (eng. loquat). Also the first signs of the orange  blossom are coming out, and the wine has had its pruning in order to allow for now growth. Even horses are starting to shed their winter fur, but our donkey Tuula is still keeping hers - she's always the last one to allow spring to get in!
Näihin yhteentoista vuoteen, jotka olen viettänyt täällä Sevillan maaseudulla, mahtuu monenlaisia talvia, mutta tämä talvi on kaikista kylmin. Lähes joka yö on aste tai kaksi pakkasta ja aamulla on maa huurteessa. Jopa hevosten vesiastioissa on joinain aamuina jääkerros pinnassa.
Onneksi täällä ei sentään ole lunta, niinkuin moninpaikoin muualla Espanjassa. Jopa läheisissä vuoristokylissä mm. Cazalla de la Sierrassa on satanut lunta.

Leikattu viiniköynnös tallin päässä

Kevään merkkejä on kuitenkin jo näkyvissä! Nisperoissa on jo isot raakileet (ylimmäinen kuva). Appelsiinipuut alkavat pian kukkia, ne ovat nyt nupuillaan. Kun kukat aukeavat, on tuoksu aivan huumaava. Viiniköynnöksiin alkaa muodostua pieniä silmuja. Nyt on oikea aika leikata viiniköynnökset, ennenkuin lehdet puhkeavat.
Saetasta lähtee jo talvikarvaa
Rambolla on oma keppi
Hevoset ovat alkaneet pudottaa pikkuhiljaa talvikarvaa. Paitsi Tuula, joka vaihtaa karvan aina viimeisenä. Myös Rambo-koiralta lähtee karvaa ja paljon! Vaaleaa karvaa on lattioilla, koska Rambo nukkuu vielä yöt sisällä talossa. Saa nähdä koska ulkona olo vie voiton, Rambostahan on tarkoitus tulla isona ulkokoira, joka vahtii tilaa. Nyt 7 kk ikäisenä se on enemmänkin seurakoira.

Kävimme eläinlääkärin tarkastuksessa viime viikolla ja jopa eläinlääkärimme Inma ihmetteli sitä, että Rambo saa nukkua sisällä. Yleensä espanjanmastiffeja pidetään pelkästään ulkona.

Saimme samalla reissulla uudet kirppu/punkkilääkkeet. Ilmojen lämmetessä lisääntyvät ulkoloiset ja ilman säännöllistä hoitoa koirat ja kissat olisivat täynnä kirppuja ja punkkeja.


Open Door days at La Finca los Majuelos

Open Door days can be organised during weekends from 13h - 19h.
During Open Door days you can visit La Finca los Majuelos with your family and friends!

The idea of the Open Door day is to familiarise yourself with a variety of activities that can be done at the farm, to get to know its animals, and to see for yourself what kind of amenities are available. Most children activities are aimed for 5 years-olds and up, but younger children are welcome when accompanied by their parents. Spanish, English and Finnish are spoken!

During the Open Door day, you have a chance to talk to the host and tell what kind of activities are of interest to you. Is it something you wish to do with your family, for example a half a day out in the country side? Or rather a mountain-bike ride with a group of friends and sauna afterwards? Overnight guests are also welcome!

Depending on arrangements, up to 20 people can be accommodated for various activities ranging from family barbecues by the pool to tailor-made trail rides in the Sierra or yoga classes at the patio.

An example of an Open Door day
  • 13h: Arrival and introduction. Get to know your host and facilities of the farm.
  • 13h30: Optional: guided walk in the orange farm/river.
  • 14h00: Lunch. You can either bring your own pick-nick or have lunch served by the host.
  • 15:00: Get to know the stables, horses and our donkey, Tuula.
  • 15:30: Riding for kids and adults alike.
  • 17:00: Sauna and pool.
  • 19:00: Departure.
Download a hand-out about more activities.


Activity: yoga retreat out in the nature

Yoga instructor Michelle Goodrick
from Goodyoga is based in Seville.
Practising yoga surrounded by nature in La Finca los Majuelos provides you with the ideal setting to start or continue taking care of yourself to improve your health, well-being and inner strength.

Various programmes can be combined to form an ideal retreat surrounded by peace and clam. Outdoor yoga sessions are offered in English or Spanish by a professional yoga instructor Michelle Goodrick from Goodyoga (http://www.goodyoga.es/en/). A retreat can also include a vegetarian lunch provided from local fruits and vegetables, and ending the day with a relaxing sauna or a walk in the surrounding orange garden.

It is possible to focus the sessions on various areas of yoga (e.g. asanas, breathing), meditation and stress-reduction upon the interest.

Yoga-students practising outdoors.


Activities: Horses, riding and horsemanship

For those interested in horses, La Finca offers a chance to get hands-on! The host of the farm has many years of experience of running a riding school in Finland before moving to Spain.

An outdoor riding ring is available for lessons in Spanish, English and Finnish. Lesson can also include more general horsemanship skills and guidance, e.g. how to saddle a horse, daily maintenance. Advance booking for all horse activities!

For kids

Short riding lessons can be booked for kids to familiarise them with horses and ponies. Major attention is paid to learning safe behaviour on and around horses to make children confident around animals.

For adult riders

Adults can book individualised classes either to learn the basics of horse riding or to "get back to the saddle" after a long break. 

For experienced riders

Outdoor trail riding can be organised for more experienced riders (max. 4).

For those with experience in re-training horses

Extra hands are appreciated to help re-training horses. If you have previous experience in training horses and you have free time, talk to us.